We'd Love To Hear From You!

Feel free to send us any questions you may have. We are happy to answer them.

Location & Service Times

Mobile, Alabama

Sunday Service Times:
English - 9:20am
Spanish - 11:15am

Bible Study:
Wednesday - 7:15pm

Address: P.O. Box 8738,
Mobile, AL 36689 USA

Phone: (251) 345 1788

Email: info@ilegacychurch.org

Texcoco, México

Sunday Service Times:
9:30am & 11:30

Bible Study:
Wednesday - 7:00pm

Prayer Meeting:
Friday - 7:00pm

Address: Calle Olivos #31
56180 Municipio de Texcoco,
State of Mexico, Mexico Get Direction

Phone: 55 6804 9288

Email: josielxc@gmail.com

Houston, Texas


Email: info@ilegacychurch.org